Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pure Joy

There are times in our lives when you can't believe the Joy one moment can bring. This picture represents one of those moments. My first grandson Kole is in one arm and my best friends sweet baby Janie is in the other. Both babies were a special gift from heaven. Janie's mom, Kathy, had to wait and wait and wait 9 long years before she was able to become a mom. Lots of prayers and tears finally got Janie here for all of us to love. Sweet Kole almost lost his mom when he was just 10 days old. I can't even talk about how much panic I still feel about that whole event. Lots of prayers and tears to save my Erin's life also saved us from a lifetime of heartache.

And now look! Here are these two new mommy's holding each others babies! We will have to have Kole and Janie go on a date someday and we will all take lots of pictures!

Austin is giving Janie a Toast! We all wanted to just hold her and love her....but there is even more Joy!
This day of celebration was actually for my newest little grandson. His name is Drew R. and he is my baby's baby! Oh sweet baby Drew on his blessing day! He gave us all a reason to invite family and friends to celebrate having him in our family.....But even this wasn't all.

My daughter Carly was born right before Christmas and I have always called her my Christmas angel. She announced to our family that she and Shawn are going to be having their own Christmas angel. Their baby is due on Christmas Eve 2010. Having another baby to love on Christmas that is Pure Joy!

Wish we could have crashed after the party like Addison did but someone had to clean up the kitchen!


  1. Way cute post Bonnie. Thank you for including me as part of it. I so appreciate you and your incredible friendship.

  2. Sweet babies...Congratulations to ALL of your new babies and babies yet to come...they bring more joy than you can ever imagine dont they? Love this!

  3. Well look at you little blogger! I love your post, and I can just hear you talking when I read it. I'm excited to read many more posts about you and your cute family. I haven't talked to Kathy since Janie was born, but I can only imagine her excitement with her new little baby after so many long agonizing years of WONDERING!!!

  4. I'll tell you what PURE JOY is.... having your mom stay with you, shop with you, play with your kids with you, hang out with you, do your laundry with you, clean with you, and blog with you. Doesn't get any better! :)


  5. Love the new blog and the 2 cute posts to go along with it. You go girl!
